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Brilliant DANCE-A-THON all day today - well done everyone, and thank you to our families for their contributions
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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Worship Warriors!

Our Worship Warriors work collaboratively to ensure that prayer and worship is at the centre of everything we do at St Catherine's. 


Their role includes: 

- Being positive role models during collective worship. 

- Helping the school evaluate and improve collective worship. 

- Gathering our community for Collective Worship through lighting the candle and sending off with a thought and a blessing at the end. 

- Lead worship through songs, prayer, music, story and drama. 

- Support our school as we learn about and live out our values which include respect, kindness, humility, compassion, integrity and honesty.

- Visiting other schools in order to suggest new ideas to improve worship and reflection at St Catherine's. 


Keep an eye out to see what we have planned for the rest of the year! 

Worship Warriors 2023-2024

Our Worship Warriors are: 

Willow from 6E

Josh from 6M 

Danica from Year 5 

Ayad from 4G

Millie-Rose from 4G 

Ahna from 4H

Alissa from 3B 

In the last school year some of our actions were: 

  • Organised and judged a competition in which children from across the school designed crosses to reflect our school's values and vision. These have been used to decorate our willow dome. 
  • Travelled to a local school to watch their Harvest Festival worship and reflected on what we saw. 
  • Planned our own Harvest worship to deliver to our school, using what we watched to help us. 
  • Evaluated and reflected upon the worship at St Catherine's. 

So far this year, we have: 

  • Joined in with the Picture News pupil-led worship training to become 'Picture News Pioneers'. 
  • Planned how we could use these ideas, combined with our own ideas, to lead worship in our classes and across the rest of the school. 
  • Given out 'school value stickers' when see examples of children who are demonstrating our school values of patience, kindness, courage, respect and compassion. When we give out a sticker, we explain how the child has demonstrated the school value. 

Harvest Festival collective worship 

Having visited a local school to watch their collective worship, we came back to St Catherine's and used some ideas to deliver our own Harvest Festival. 

Cross Competition 2022
