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Brilliant DANCE-A-THON all day today - well done everyone, and thank you to our families for their contributions
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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Supporting your Child

Here at St. Catherine’s, we encourage parents to take an active role in helping their children to learn at home.

We understand that things are very different in school now to when our children’s parents were there and a question that we often get asked is “Am I doing it right?” With this in mind we have provided the documents found on this page to help you to help them!

As part of the year 6 assessment process, children are expected to be able to analyse a text and answer questions about it. 
Here are some examples of reading expectations for your Y6 child, and tips on how to help them discuss a text:

Working out the meaning of words from the text video

Explain/discuss understanding & make inferences / use evidence from the text video

Predict what might happen from the text – stated or implied

