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"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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Opening Times

Children can arrive at school between 8:30 and 8:40am - doors will close and school starts at 8:40.


We have Collective Worship every day, some of these are held in the school hall whilst others are in classrooms.


Morning Breaks are staggered as follows:

KS1 10:40am

LKS2 10:40am

UKS2 11am


Lunch break is staggered between 11:45 and 1.15pm (each key stage has a 1 hour break)


School finishes at 3pm for Foundation Stage, 3:10pm for KS1 and KS2 (this equates to a total number of hours in school of 32.5 hours per week for the children in KS1 & KS2)


Please inform the school office if you know that your child will be arriving late to school, or needs to be collected early (for medical appointments etc).
