Our SEND/Inclusion team members are Mrs Hazel Leslie, Mr Andrew Carless & Miss Michala Baker. If you have any queries relating to Special Educational needs, please contact any of them via the school office: admin@stcatherines.herts.sch.uk or on the school telephone number: 01920 462653
You can also view the Local Offer for Hertfordshire schools by clicking the link
Examples of how we might support SEND pupils across the Curriculum
Please note that not all SEND pupils have these barriers or need these adjustments. This document is intended to demonstrate some of the ways we support SEND pupils alongside our Quality First Teaching and differentiated activities.
Curriculum Area | An example of a possible barrier to learning | Possible adjustments to provision |
English | Phonetic understanding linked with spelling | -Pre-teaching of key words/sounds -Word mats/word banks -Small group interventions, such as; Write Words, Magic Spells or Phonics -Use of computer programmes, such as; Clicker
Maths | Reading/solving multi-step word problems | -Pre-teaching of key ideas/strategies -Use of echo reading -Small group teaching -Use of manipulatives, such as; Numicon, counting beads etc -During formative assessment – possible use of an adult reader
Science | Recalling key vocabulary/information | -Pre-teaching of key vocabulary -Word mats/word banks -Small group activity, with adult support -Glossary at the start of each new unit -Building vocabulary through the unit
R.E. | Recording, using a written method | -Increased opportunity for verbal discussions -Adults support to record key ideas, thoughts and input -Opportunities to record pictorially -Words mats/word banks, sentence openers or sentence scaffolds
History | Chronological understanding
| -Photo sequencing of key events -Timelines – partially complete -Displays to prompt key events |
Geography | Sequencing unfamiliar or abstract processes
| -A range of visual resources, videos, pictures, sound etc. -Cross curricular links – real life stories to make it meaningful -Small group activity, with adult support -Small group activity, with adult support
P.S.H.E | Expressing and understanding emotions and feelings
| -Worry boxes in classrooms -Question boxes -Targeted social stories -Adaptive teaching to current difficulties -Approaching topics sensitively
Music | Potential for sensory overload
| -Small groups outside classroom -Headphones for laptops to focus on one sound -Adult supported group -Ear defenders where necessary
P.E | Following multi-step instructions and game rules
| -Extra adult support -Visual reminders for rules -Safe spaces for time out -Supportive learning partners
| Fine motor skills | -Labelled resources, including colours of paints/crayons etc -Specialist resources; such a scissors, paintbrushes with supportive grips -Alternative resources |
MFL | Difficulties with working memory | -Use of songs -Matching tasks to support links between English and French -Repetition -Visual clues and cues |