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Brilliant DANCE-A-THON all day today - well done everyone, and thank you to our families for their contributions
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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Eco Team


1st March 2025

Ware Biodiversity Day!


Ware Town Council have let us know that they are hosting a Biodiversity Day on the 1st March at the Priory in Ware. There will be lots to learn about biodiversity, crafts and activities to take part in and prizes to be won!


Hopefully we will see you there.



6th January 2025

Money raised for charity


You may have noticed our eco-team stall at the Christmas Bazaar. The children came up with the great idea of having a stall that encouraged re-useable items as well as creativity and so our stall encouraged children to decorate either a reusable tote bag, pencil case or a handmade decoration. The stall was very successful, and we happily raised over £65 (with gift aid) for the homeless charity Shelter. 


Thanks to everyone who stopped by the stall and for my eco-team helpers Woody, Teddy and Elodie, who we could not have done it without!


26th November 2024

Choose to re-use!



Our eco-team has noticed that more and more children are bringing in disposable bottles, so this week our students have been busy creating posters to bring attention to the importance of reusing to help reduce our negative impact on the environment. Disposable plastic bottles are terrible for the environment, as often the bottles are just thrown in the bin and not recycled, and even if they are recycled this still uses a lot of energy and creates pollution. The best option is always to re-use!


This is why we are appealing for you to please try and bring in a re-usable bottle when possible, as plastic bottle waste is harming your planet. Please help us with this mission!


From the eco-team.



14th November 2024

Tree planting day!


Today members of our eco-team have helped to plant a row of new trees on our back field. Under the supervision of Mr Shepherd, the children helped to move the trees from the nursery; assisted in digging the holes for the trees to grow in and then helped to plant them in their new homes. 


These trees were donated to us last year by the Woodland Trust, and have been looked after all year in our tree nursery, with the help of staff and our eco-team members. We are excited to see them grow, and will keep you posted on their progress!



November update from the RSPB

November 2024


The RSPB has done a fantastic round up of wonderful wildlife to look for in November. It is well worth a read and hopefully you will see some of the fantastic birds and creatures that are still around in the UK, even as the days get shorter and colder. 


The round up can be seen here Nature's Calendar November. I will be looking out for starling murmurations! 



5th July 2024

Eco-School Achievement!


We are proud to announce that for the second year running, St Catherine's School have achieved our Eco-Schools Green Flag status! We have achieved our award with distinction this year, with more than double achievement points than last year. Thank you to all the children (and supportive parents) that have helped with our eco-projects, entered competitions and had a positive and proactive approach to helping make our world a more eco-friendly place. 


Our eco-team this year have also been amazing: working tirelessly planting wildflower seeds; giving up their lunch and break times to help litter picking; mapping our school site and habitats to join the National Education Nature Parks campaign; as well as helping to spread the word for our competitions and walk to school week. Well done team on a great year!



10th June 2024

Competition entries


We have had lots of entries for our eco-competition to design a healthy city. Fingers crossed that one of our amazing entries is the winner! Thank you everyone who has entered.

Below are a few of our favourites for you to see. 


7th June 2024

Eco-Team are helping our new trees to thrive


This week our eco-team has started to clear the weeds from our tree nursery, to give our baby trees an extra boost before planting after the summer holidays. We will spend the next couple of weeks clearing the space, and making sure the trees can get lots of light to grow as big and strong as possible before planting!





Deadline 10th June

Design a 'Healthy City' and help us win £1,500 for eco-projects!


The St Catherine’s Eco-Team would like to invite you to take part in a competition to design a ‘Healthy City’.


The challenge is to create a city that would be healthy for all its inhabitants (including plants and wildlife). You will need to draw a picture of what you think your ‘healthy city would look like – maybe as a map, or a cityscape, or with zoomed in sections. Be as creative as you can, you are designer/inventor/creator of this new healthy city!


Here’s a few thoughts to inspire you:

-How would people travel in a healthy city?

-How will nature and wildlife be supported?

-What will people eat and how will they get their food?

-How will people reduce waste?

-Where will people live?

-How will your city’s community stay healthy?


If you would like to enter, you will need to ask your teacher for a form, and once completed, give it to Ms Tocco by the 10th of June, for the chance to win £1500 for your school to spend on eco-projects!


We are grateful for your help.



20th - 24th May 2024

Outdoor classroom week


This week was outdoor classroom week! Lots of classes braved the unpredictable British weather and got outside for Maths, PSHE, Music, Science, and year 6 even got out and did some orienteering.


It was a lovely week, and we have been inspired to get outside more often. 



9th May 2024

Hedgehog Champion!


A great big thank you to one of our eco-warriors Aurora (y3), who has already joined Hedgehog Champions and wanted to encourage others to get involved! She has baked the staff some lovely hedgehog themed cookies and given us some information to raise awareness of hedgehogs. Thank you Aurora!


If you would like to also become a hedgehog champion, and learn about how to help hedgehogs (as well as get free fun resources) then please join Hedgehog Street by following this link Become a Hedgehog Champion - Hedgehog Street



2nd May 2024

5th-11th May is hedgehog awareness week!


Sadly hedgehog population numbers are falling, but there is still hope! The Hedgehog Conservation Charity has set up a portal for you to learn more about hedgehogs and to find out how to be a hedgehog champion. 


If you’re interested in helping hedgehogs, you could ask your parent or guardian about signing up to be a Hedgehog Champion with Hedgehog Street – a project run with People’s Trust for Endangered Species. If you decide to register, you can access free downloadable stuff including fact sheets, posters, action cards and invites to help you encourage people in your local area to be as hedgehog-friendly as you!


Find out more here



26th April 2024

Wildflower seed planting


Today our eco team has been busy scattering native wildflower seeds around the school. The children learned about the importance of planting flowers native to the UK, and picked areas that they felt the flowers had a good chance of growing. 


We are very excited to see some beautiful flowers pop up over the summer! 



25th March 2024

New litter pickers


Mrs Leslie has kindly invested in some new litter pickers for our eco-team! We are very excited to make a difference to our school grounds, and our members have already been out; working together to keep our school free of litter.  


March 2024

Eco Team—Earth Hour


The St Catherine’s Eco-Team would like to invite you and your children to take part in Earth Hour on the 23rd March.


Earth hour asks you to take an hour out of your day to do something (anything!) positive for our planet. For example, you may decide to go litter picking in your local area, have an electronics free hour, have a family reading hour or play board games, work on an eco-project (like making bird feeders) or even do some stargazing.


We would love to hear about how you have spent your earth hour, so please share your experiences on seesaw or Tapestry! We realise that 8.30pm is a little late in the day, so any hour during the day given to help the planet would be great.


For more information and educational videos about Earth hour and the impact you can have on the planet, you can visit

November 2023

Cut your Carbon Month


For the whole of November we invited all our St Catherine's pupils to take part in Cut Your Carbon Month! We had over 70 children share their work in trying to help cut their carbon emissions, which helped contribute to reducing our collective carbon footprint. Something for us all to be proud of! 


You can read more about the impact of the Cut Your Carbon initiative here CYC IMPACT REPORT 2023-24 (






July 2024

We are now an eco-school! 


Thanks to all the work of our eco-team and also our school as a whole, we have successfully achieved eco-school status. This is a great achievement for everyone who has helped make our school a more eco-friendly place this past year. 


We are very excited about the new school year ahead, and for applying again next year with our new eco-team. We have some new fun eco-projects planned!

We will do our best to promote environmental sustainability in our school community!

Eco Squad make enquiries about the eco-schools green flag
