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Y5 and Y6 - what an amazing performance this week!! Well done and congratulations!!
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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Celtic Harmony

Orienteering with nursery 

Year 5 teamed up with nursery children to do some orienteering.  Year 5 were responsible for reading the clues to the nursery children and guiding them using the map.  The nursery children read the numbers, found the rhyming words and spotted the pictures.  Year 5 worked beautifully with the nursery children and really did themselves proud.  Well done year 5!

Greek day

In year 5, we had a Greek day.  We created some Ancient Greek style pots, held an ostracism using the Greek alphabet, tried some Greek dancing and ate a delicious Greek feast. Our feast included pitta bread, humous, olives, grapes and feta cheese.  
