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"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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Keeping Safe Online Survey

Keeping Safe Online Survey 2019-2020

Due to COVID, we could not carry out our survey again in the summer term.

However, we took part in the survey in October and found...


  • An increase in the number of children reporting they are feeling safe when online at home

  • 100% of our children agree St Catherine’s supports them in keeping safe online. They feel safe using the internet at school and feel comfortable to tell a trusted adult if something upsets them


  • 100% of our children agree St Catherine’s supports them in keeping safe online.
  • An increase in number of children feeling confident to speak to an adult in school if feeling worried
  • An increase in the number of children applying what they have learnt in school about eSafety at home
  • An increase in the number of parents setting out rules and discussing ways to keep safe online with their children- thank you!


Click below to see the results in more detail...

Keeping Safe Online Survey 2017-2018

100% of our children agree that St Catherine's helps them know how to feel safe online.

"If you do not feel safe online, you must tell an adult right away because they can help you feel better." Tegan

"We watch Hector's World and he teaches us how to be safe. It's fun!"  Josh


100% of our children know what information they can share online.

"You shouldn't even tell your best friend your password. You need to keep it top secret!" Beatrice

"You shouldn't ever share your personal information online." Jack

"Just because you can't see people online, doesn't mean you shouldn't be kind" Ben


Check out the results for yourself below!
