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"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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We live in an ever changing world of technology, social media, apps and gaming. It is very hard to keep up with the fast pace of this every changing world but it is important that we are aware of e-Saftey.


Has something happened online that has made your child feel worried or unsafe? Make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors. Or, if you have been a victim of online abuse or you’re worried about somebody else, let us know securely.


Keeping Safe Online at St Catherine's

The level of expectation on children’s capabilities for using new technologies has significantly risen with the new National Curriculum, placing a strong emphasis on computer science and computing programming skills. The skills across new technologies and computing are essential to children’s learning and where necessary teachers at St Catherine's ensure they are integrated into all areas of the curriculum. New technologies require children to be able to interact competently with computers, laptops, tablets and a continually growing number of other devices, exploring a variety of programmes and software to fully support and extend their learning.


St Catherine’s school recognise the essential and important contribution that technology plays in promoting children’s learning and development and offers a fantastic range of positive activities and experiences. We strongly believe that everyone should know how to stay safe online and when using new technologies Staff and governors at St Catherine’s are committed to raising awareness and playing their part in ensuring the children understand how to avoid putting themselves at risk by staying safe online We collectively hold a responsibility to encourage digital literacy in all pupils and strive to build digitally literate children. As a school we recognise our role in safeguarding children when using technology and ensuring they are equipped with the skills to use technology safely.


e-Safety is embedded within our school curriculum and covered in our Online Safety & Data Security Policy (inlcuding Acceptable Use)

All children at St Catherine’s are expected to read, understand and agree to follow our pupil Online Safety Acceptable Use agreement. Whilst the school monitors and manages technology use in school we believe that children themselves have an important role in developing responsible online behaviours.

Useful Websites for Parents

We recognise our responsibility to educate all users on their awareness of the range of risk associated with e-Safety. This also means working in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that all parties are educated to ensure children’s safety. Below are some websites which you can visit at home to support both you and your child in keeping safe online.

    This website was developed out of a partnership between CEOP and The Parent Zone and contains lots of good eSafety advice.
    Here you will find e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.
    organisation working directly with children, parents and teachers to ensure that the issues of online child protection and the safe and positive use of the internet are addressed.
    The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre has set up its own website which has been designed and written specifically for children, young people, teachers, parents and carers.
    Kidsmart is an award winning internet safety website for parents and those working with children. It has been developed by the children's internet charity Childnet International and has excellent information on many of the technologies used by children, with guidance on how to ‘stay safe’ online.
    One in five young people have experienced bullying by text message or via email. This web site gives advice for children and parents on cyberbullying.
    Specific help on how to set up internet controls at home. Guidance and articles for parents about keeping children safe online.
    A website designed to strengthen awareness and understanding of what digital citizenship is. It encourages users of technology to be and become responsible Digital Citizens
    Instagram has a help page to ensure that your security is maintained as far as possible. Just remember that this is a 13+ service and all photos uploaded immediately become the property of Instagram.