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Y5 and Y6 - what an amazing performance this week!! Well done and congratulations!!
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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Year 1 Reading Buddies 

To promote reading for pleasure, we buddied up with the year 1's for a reading session. Year 6 chose a picture book to share with their year 1 buddy. There was lots of wonderful discussion and we were incredibly proud of how responsible and encouraging our lovely year 6s were. 

Remembrance Day 

Year 6 pupils have been learning about those who selflessly gave their lives for our country. They have also completed collaborative artwork, creating representations of poppies, having learnt about their significance as a symbol of remembrance. We read the poem ‘Flanders Fields’ and the book ‘Where the poppies now grow’, learning about how they grew on the battlefields, signifying peace and hope for the future.


We then created class books which we delivered to the war memorial in Ware, for all those paying their respect to share. In addition, we visited Ware Museum to take part in a session learning about World War 1 and 2 and to view their exhibits. 


“At the going down of the sun and in the morning… we will remember them”


The year 6 classrooms were infiltrated by pesky Boggarts on Wednesday. They wreaked HAVOC! We were then set the task of investigating these unusual occurrences, using our best passive voice. Have a look at what they got up to below. 

Choose Your Own Adventure stories 

This week, we've been using the Bear Grylls 'You vs Wild' to create our own writing. In our first lessons, we explored a range of CYOA stories and considered how they work, before watching and mapping out the episode called 'Lost on Snow Mountain'. Have a look at the map we created for our working wall. 


Check back soon to read some of our wonderful CYOA stories. 

Hatchet - Newspaper Reports 

Year 6 have been writing superb newspaper reports based on Brian's plane crash in the story Hatchet. We held a press conference to collect our quotations and used the information we knew and suspected to produce our reports. 
