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Brilliant DANCE-A-THON all day today - well done everyone, and thank you to our families for their contributions
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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Our Themed Weeks

Eco Week 2022

Over Eco Week 2022 we completed some amazing work across the school, focussed around how to protect and conserve our precious environment. 


Year 5 and 6 (and our Eco Squad!) were lucky enough to have Zara Visanji from Thames21 visit to discuss the amazing conservation work she does to protect our rivers. She also spoke about how her path in life led her to carry out the role she does. 


The Eco Squad also prepared a collective worship to deliver to the rest of the school, to remind us of the hard work that we, as a school, put in to help our environment. 


Wellbeing Week 2022

To coincide with World Mental Health Day on the 10th October, we decided to have a wellbeing week. Each year carried out a range of activities focussed on promoting mindfulness and wellbeing. This included first aid training for all pupils, yoga, mindfulness activities and some 'motivational minutes'. UKS2 also completed some mindfulness artwork in the style of Yayoi Kusama's interactive Obliteration Room which began as a white space but transformed over the week through the childens' imaginative use of coloured stickers. 

International Day


For International Day 2022, each class chose a different country to focus on. We were also lucky enough to have teachers and students from Chauncy School join us, sharing their language skills with us through a range of engaging activities. Over the course of the day, students moved between classes, allowing them to learn about a number of different countries and cultures in a day. We also discussed actions that we can take to create a sense of community and be positive global citizens! Have a look below to see what we got up to...

Asian Heritage week 

Across the school each year group chose an Asian country to explore in depth. This included studies on cultural traditions and also religious beliefs. The children really enjoyed a wide variety of activities including exploring food, clothing, traditions and languages. 

Multi-Faith Week 

In November, we held a Multi-Faith week, as a celebration of the diverse and multi-cultural world we live in. 

We all had a wonderful week learning about a number of religions and cultures through story, drama, dance, roleplay and art.  

This included: 

- A year 6 visit to Queen's Park in Bedford, for a tour of a mosque, church and gurdwara. 

- Year 5 visiting St Mary's Church and the Church of the Twelve Apostles (Greek Orthodox Church) to compare and contrast the features of - the church and how the Eucharist/Holy Communion is carried out. 

- A visit for Years 1-4 from Bhaktivedanta Manor to teach them about the traditions of Hare Krishna. 

- A Hindu dance session for Foundation Stage. 

- A focus on faith stories in English lessons and assemblies for the week. 

- A collaborative piece of artwork created by each year group, showcasing their studies of their contrasting religion. 

- Cross-phase carousel to explore a number of different faiths. 




