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Y5 and Y6 - what an amazing performance this week!! Well done and congratulations!!
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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PGL 2024

Day 3 Afternoon

Day 1 Afternoon

PGL Parents' Meeting Powerpoint

Please see the PGL meeting powerpoint below. If you have any questions, please see us on the door or contact through the office to discuss. 


PGL 2024 Letter

PGL 2023 

See below, a selection of images from last year's trip. This will give you an idea of what to expect. 

Yet more of day 4! 

More of day 4…

Day 4

Day 3 afternoon 

Day 3 morning 

Day 2 afternoon 

Day 2 morning 

Day 1 


PGL Meeting Powerpoint
