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"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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Maths - Autumn Term 1


Throughout the first term of Year 4, both classes are going to be focusing on their place value skills and looking at different strategies they could use when solving addition and subtraction questions. 


In the first week, we looked at the value of every digit in a number. The children used fantastic mathematical vocabulary such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands and even ten thousands! In both classes, we focused on learning how to use a place value chart to help us determine the value of the digit. 


In the second week, we moved onto rounding numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. We learnt a fantastic song which helps us remember how to round numbers and this helped us complete the homework for that week. 


In the last few weeks, 4G and 4H will work on using different strategies to add and subtract four digits by four digits. This will begin with using regrouping and move onto using the column method. 


Throughout this term, we are going to work on our times tables knowledge and learning multiples! 
